VQH Weather, provides detailed current time tracking and weather forecast
for all world locations, it searches your addresses automatically, and
provides current temperature in C.
It also provides current conditions, relative humidity, barometric
pressure, viewing distance, precipitation in different unity, ultraviolet
index (UV index), fog, wind speed and direction, in addition to decorative
future and hourly weather forecasts. The app also gives the sunrise and
sunset according to the city time.Apps that use Huawei services,
This is the right app for your regions, Vietnam and other parts of the
- In-app news. Get the latest & hottest
- Accurate hourly forecast for the next 7 days
- Show weather conditions: No temperature but you also know how
the savings “feel like”, humidity, dew point, sunrise, sunset,
wind speed, UV rays, visibility and pressure gasometer.
- Detailed information, including 24-hour and 7-day temperature
- Sunrise & sunset time and unit for measuring wind &
- Humidity sensor sensor, UV quantity and rain ability
- Many icons for different weather
- Auto location detection (from mobile/wifi or GPS)
- Weather and global time: Displays address time and weather
information for every different location in the world
- Temperature Celsius
- Current status and temperature, low and high temperature of
the day
- The weather in the newspaper area and the temperature in the
- Can scan QR code, barcode…
VQH Weather is very easy to use application that keeps you up to
date with weather conditions. Daily weather forecast app
specially designed to be as simple and direct as possible. With
just one tap you will get weather condition notification in app
status bar with your current location.